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Showing 44 posts in News.

The Department of Justice Issues Recommendations for Preparing for Cybersecurity Threats

cybersecurity threatsThe recently formed Cybersecurity Unit of the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice (the “DOJ”) recently issued guidance regarding best practices for organizations to protect against and respond to cybersecurity risks. The guidance, titled “Best Practices for Victim Response and Reporting of Cyber Incidents,” was drafted with smaller organizations in mind, but has relevance to larger ones as well.

What to Do in Advance of a Breach

The DOJ urges organizations to prepare an incident response plan before a breach occurs, and recommends that an organization do the following: Read More ›

Categories: Cybersecurity, News

How Do You Sell a Reality TV Show?

Watch the short video clip below for three tips on how to sell your reality TV show.

  1. Understand the process for selling
  2. Watch out for the option
  3. Understand your leverage

Watch the video:

reality tv show

Categories: News

FAA Releases Proposed Rules for Drones

proposed rules for dronesThe Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) just released proposed rules regarding unmanned aircraft systems ("UAS" or "drone") in United States airspace. The rules are not final, and the FAA is expecting public comments regarding the proposed rules in the next 60 days. 

The current unmanned aircraft rules will remain in place until the final new rule is approved by the FAA. You can check out our previous post here or view the FAA site here to find out more about the current rules. 

Here is a quick summary of what the FAA proposed. The stated goal of the new rules is to balance aviation safety with the regulatory burden on UAS operators. Read More ›

Categories: News

Legal Issues and Drones

legal issuesJohn W. Mashni will be speaking at the 2015 Michigan Agri-Business Association (MABA) Winter Conference Jan. 13.  John’s presentation covers legal issues surrounding UAVs and drones. Click here to view Power Point slides for John’s talk.

To stay up to date on the most recent UAV and drone news, click here to receive all of our updates.

The FAA has released several helpful summaries of the current state of the regulatory landscape. Below are a few of the most helpful links: Read More ›

Categories: News

Amazon and Hachette Reach Agreement

Amazon and Hachette Reach AgreementAmazon and Hachette Book Group have officially reached a multi-year agreement announcing jointly that Hachette will be able to set the price of e-books. This settlement is important because it affects some of the largest players in the literary industry. Check out these articles delving into the conflict and much needed resolution.

Categories: News

Incoming: Recent News on FAA Drone Approval

faa drone approvalThe Federal Aviation Administration is considering several petitions for commercial use of low-risk unmanned aircrafts, commonly called drones. Although the most widely-publicized interest in commercial drone use came from Amazon's Jeff Bezos late last year, commercial interest exists for a variety of other uses including both filmmaking and farming. Read More ›

Categories: News

Lansing Area Residents, Consider the MITN Fellowship

mitn fellowshipFor our Lansing area readers, Foster Swift Collins & Smith PC is a corporate member of the Michigan Technology Network - Lansing.

Michigan Technology Network - Lansing (MITN) awards fellowships annually that can be applied to technology education. If you're in school, thinking about going back, or need tech training to beef up your skills, a MITN fellowship is the perfect way to reduce your cost.

Categories: News

Health Care Law Blog: Mobile Medical Apps

Have you checked out our Health Care Law Blog? This week the post is titled FDA Issues Final Guidance on Mobile Medical Apps.

Categories: News

White House Decrees Free Access to Government Research

The White House has declared that the results of government funded research, with certain exceptions for classified data, will be available to the public for free within in a year. Such results include peer-reviewed publications and digital data. Read More ›

Categories: News

Tech Professionals to Feature their Products at DemoCamp Lansing

democamp lansingThe Lansing Chapter of the Michigan Technology Network (MITN) is teaming up with DemoCamp for a holiday tech event.  Sponsored by Foster Swift, DemoCamp Lansing will bring together local programmers, entrepreneurs and community members to show off cool products and websites and to learn about new technology.  This relaxed and casual event is free and will be held at the Michigan Historical Museum on Wednesday, December 12, 2012 at 5:30pm.

Categories: News