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Showing 43 posts in Crowdfunding.

U.S. Senate Begins to Move on Crowdfunding

On Tuesday, March 6, the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs held a hearing on Spurring Job Growth Through Capital Formation While Protecting Investors, Part II.  There is a stated intent to take up the capital formation bills in the near future.  Crowdfunding is one of several areas being considered to improve the capital formation climate. Read More ›

Categories: Crowdfunding, Venture Capital/Funding

Crowdfunding May Be Stalled in U.S. Senate

After the U.S. House of Representatives passed a crowdfunding bill in November, it appears that the crowdfunding concept has stalled in the U.S. Senate.  Two alternative bills have been introduced in the Senate, both of which would create greater regulatory roadblocks than the House bill, substantially limiting the ability of most start-up and seed stage companies to utilize crowdfunding to raise capital.  It has been reported that at the committee hearings in December, most of the testimony focused on concerns about the potential for fraud, rather than the importance of access to capital and the need for job creation.  So far in January, no further action has been taken by the Senate on the crowdfunding bills.

Categories: Crowdfunding, Venture Capital/Funding

Crowdfunding May be on the Way

On November 3, 2011, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill that would create a new exemption from registration under the securities laws for what has come to be known as "crowdfunding."  The crowdfunding exemption would:  Read More ›

Categories: Crowdfunding, Venture Capital/Funding