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WLAM to Present Fershtman with the 2018 Jean King Leadership Award

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April 10, 2018

Foster Swift is pleased to announce that attorney Julie Fershtman will receive the Jean King Leadership Award from the Women Lawyers Association of Michigan (WLAM) on April 27 during its 100th anniversary Centennial Gala at the Colony Club in Detroit.

According to WLAM, the Jean King award is given annually to commend a lawyer or judge for outstanding leadership in the advancement of women in the legal profession. The award is presented to a visionary woman who, among other qualities, demonstrates the highest standards of integrity, fairness and leadership. 

A Shareholder and a lawyer for nearly 32 years, Ms. Fershtman focuses her practice in business litigation, insurance coverage, insurance defense and equine law from the firm’s Southfield office. Among her accomplishments; she is a past president of the State Bar of Michigan, past co-Chair of the State Bar of Michigan’s 21st Century Practice Task Force, Trustee of the Michigan State Bar Foundation, Director of the Michigan Supreme Court Historical Society, and Fellow of Litigation Counsel of America. In addition to her law practice, she is an accomplished author, has had speaking engagements in 29 states and is listed in The Best Lawyers in America®.   

Founded in 1919, WLAM (www.womenlawyers.org) works to secure the rights of women in society and to advance the interests of women in the legal profession. The theme of its centennial is “Looking Back, Moving Forward.”