Publications for Trust & Estate Litigation
Warren H. Krueger
Chapter 10, Michigan Probate Litigation, Third Edition
Leimberg’s Estate Planning Newsletter - July 2023
July 2023 | Co-Authored by Warren H. Krueger
September 2021 Laches Magazine (Oakland County Bar Association)
August 23, 2021 | Amanda Afton Martin
Foster Swift Agricultural Law News
January 30, 2019 | Warren H. Krueger III
Estate planning is done to avoid family disputes, but despite the best of intentions, disputes happen when money is at stake.
Michigan Probate Litigation
Institute for Continuing Legal Education (ICLE)
October 15, 2017 | Co-Edited by Douglas A. Mielock and David L. J. M. Skidmore Legal Ease Column
August 2012 | Jonathan J. David
What happens if my uncle dies without having made a will or trust? Also, will I still be able to act on his behalf under his power of attorney after he has passed away?
Foster Swift Estate Planning Insights
Fall 2010 | Douglas A. Mielock
In estate planning, clients sometimes overlook the difficulties and conflicts their children may face in dealing with their tangible personal property after their death.
Foster Swift Estate Planning Insights
Winter 2009 | Douglas A. Mielock
Governor Jennifer Granholm recently signed into law legislation enacting the Michigan Trust Code effective April 1, 2010.
Foster Swift Estate Planning Insights
Winter 2009 | Douglas A. Mielock
Multiple marriages have become increasingly common. More than 50% of divorced men and 43% of divorced women are remarried.