Showing 50 posts in Regulatory.
Foster Swift Attorney Interviewed on the Supreme Court's Health Care Reform Decision and its Impact
Foster Swift health care law attorney, Johanna Novak, was recently interviewed on Michigan Business Network radio concerning the United States Supreme Court's long-anticipated decision on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (the "Act"). The interview aired on July 6, 2012, and was separated into two parts. Podcasts for both parts of Johanna's interview can be accessed here. Read More ›
Categories: Employment, Health Care Reform, Regulatory
Precautions of Prescribing Controlled Substances for Pain
In response to growing concerns about prescription drug abuse, there has been a significant increase in investigative and enforcement activities by state licensing authorities as well as local, state and federal law enforcement. We have been contacted by physicians who want to care for patients with chronic or intractable pain but are concerned about the consequences to their licenses and practices that might result if investigators question their decision to prescribe controlled substances. Given the current environment, it is a good idea for physicians to refresh themselves on the legal requirements for effective pain management. Read More ›
Categories: Hospitals, Physicians, Regulatory
Recommendation: Deregulation of 18 Occupations and Elimination of 9 Occupational Boards
On April 16, 2012, the Office of Regulatory Reinvention (“ORR”) issued a report to Governor Snyder proposing the deregulation of 18 occupations and the elimination of 9 occupational boards. Of particular interest to Michigan health care providers are the recommendations for deregulation of dieticians and nutritionists; ocularists; respiratory care providers; and speech pathologists. The report also recommended elimination of the following, health-care relevant occupational boards: Board of Dietetics and Nutrition, Board of Occupational Therapy, Board of Respiratory Care, Board of Speech Language Pathology, and Osteopathic Medicine Advisory Board. Read More ›
Categories: Licensing, Regulatory
Agencies Issue Regulations on Summary of Benefits and Coverage Requirements
The Departments of the Treasury, Labor and Health and Human Services (collectively, the "Departments") recently published the final regulation (the "Regulation") with regard to the Summary of Benefits and Coverage ("SBC") requirements under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ("PPACA"). The Regulation implements certain disclosure requirements in order to help individuals and health plans better understand their medical coverage as well as other coverage options. Many liken the SBC to the summary plan description for retirement plans. Read More ›
Categories: Employee Benefits, Employment, Insurance, Regulatory, Retirement
Top 10 Health Care Law Topics for 2012 Revealed
The current issue of AHLA Connections, which is published by the American Health Lawyers Association (AHLA), features a list of the top ten issues affecting the health law field in 2012. The AHLA Connections “hot topic” list includes issues that our clients are raising with us. We have covered several of these topics in previous newsletters and blogs and we plan to discuss more in the upcoming months.
Here is the AHLA’s top-ten list: Read More ›
Categories: Compliance, Health Care Reform, Health Insurance Exchange, Regulatory
Recap from the Health Law Institute
On March 8 and 9, 2012, the members of Foster Swift's Health Care Law Group attended the 18th Annual Health Law Institute. This two-day institute, which is co-sponsored by the Institute for Continuing Legal Education and the Health Care Law Section of the Michigan State Bar, focused on recent legal developments in health care law. Specific topics addressed at this year's Health Law Institute included: Read More ›
Categories: Compliance, Fraud & Abuse, Regulatory
Supreme Court to Hear Challenges to Health Care Reform Law
In late 2011, the Supreme Court of the United States announced that it would take up four issues regarding the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ("PPACA"). The Court is expected to hear oral arguments in late March of 2012 and provide a decision in June of 2012.
Three of the four issues to be reviewed by the Court center around PPACA's Individual Mandate. The Individual Mandate (also known as the minimum coverage provision) requires that, beginning in 2014, individuals who fail to maintain a minimum level of health insurance coverage for themselves and their dependents pay a penalty, calculated in part on the basis of the individual's household income as reported on the individual's federal income tax return. This is likely the most controversial provision of PPACA.
The four issues to be considered by the Court are as follows: Read More ›
Categories: Health Care Reform, Health Insurance Exchange, Regulatory
Sign Up for Foster Swift's Health Care Law Newsletter
If you are already a subscriber to Foster Swift's health care law blog, you might be interested in Foster Swift's Health Care Law E-News as well. These newsletters provide an in-depth discussion on specific issues that are of interest to those in the health care industry. See what the latest Health Care Law E-News has to offer. Read More ›
Categories: Health Care Reform, Regulatory
Massage Therapist Licensure Soon to be Mandatory
Licensure of Massage Therapists will become mandatory in Michigan in the near future. Proposed rules related to the requirements of such licensure were recently published in the Michigan Register. The actual licensure requirement will become effective two years from the effective date of the final rules (which will likely be published later in 2012). Read More ›
Categories: Licensing, Regulatory
New Licensure Requirements for Michigan Speech-Language Pathologists Released
On December 7, 2011, the final rules for Speech-Language Pathology were filed with the Michigan Secretary of State. Among other things, the final rules require that any person who intends to practice speech-language pathology in Michigan must be licensed by December 7, 2013. The rules also detail the requirements for licensure and give deference to individuals who have been certified by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
For more information about the licensure requirements for speech language pathologists and to obtain a copy of the current licensure application packet, please contact one of the health care law attorneys at Foster Swift.
Categories: Licensing, Physicians, Regulatory
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Best Lawyers® 2021
Congratulations to the attorneys of the Health Care practice group at Foster Swift Collins & Smith, PC for their inclusion in the Best Lawyers in America 2021 edition. Firm-wide, 44 lawyers were listed. Best Lawyers lists are compiled based on an exhaustive peer-review evaluation and as lawyers are not required or allowed to pay a fee to be listed; inclusion in Best Lawyers is considered a singular honor. Health Care practice group members listed in Best Lawyers are as follows:
- Jennifer B. Van Regenmorter, Holland
To see the full list of Foster Swift attorneys listed in Best Lawyers 2021, click here.