Showing 80 posts in Hospitals.
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Marches On
As President Obama moves into his second term, health care reform moves forward with him. Wholesale repeal of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) now seems highly unlikely. With the majority of the PPACA provisions slated to go into effect in 2014, employers need to be ready.
Foster Swift has developed guides to aid employers with their preparation efforts. Click the links below to download these guides.
Documents updated 07-12-2013
If you have any questions regarding health care reform, please contact a member of the Foster Swift Health Care Law Group.
Categories: Employee Benefits, Employment, Health Care Reform, Hospitals, Insurance, Physicians, Regulatory
Visa Options for Foreign Nurses and Legislative Update
Curiously, traditional registered nurses ("RNs"), excepting Canadian and Mexican RNs under NAFTA, lack a general temporary visa category to work in the United States. While there are favorable provisions for an RN to obtain permanent resident status (a “Green Card”) based upon employment, the lengthy eligibility wait time for the permanent visa category limits the practical usefulness of these provisions in many cases. Currently, temporary visa options for nurses are limited to the following. Read More ›
Categories: Employment, Hospitals, Physicians
Foster Swift Lawyers Attend Annual State Bar of Michigan Health Care Law Section Meeting
Foster Swift lawyers were well represented at the Annual Meeting of the State Bar of Michigan's Health Care Law Section held on September 19th. Gilbert Frimet, Gary McRay, Jennifer Kildea Dewane, and Nicole Stratton, members of Foster Swift Health Care Law Practice Group, all traveled to Detroit to attend the meeting. Read More ›
Categories: Health Care Reform, Health Insurance Exchange, Hospitals, Insurance, Medicare/Medicaid, Physicians, Regulatory
Proposed Rules Would Allow Physician Assistants to Prescribe Schedule 2 Controlled Substances
The Board of Medicine and the Board of Osteopathic Medicine have proposed amendments to the administrative rules governing the delegation of prescribing authority to physician assistants. Under the existing rules, a physician may only delegate to physician assistants the authority to prescribe controlled substances that are listed in the Federal Drug and Enforcement Administration’s (“DEA’s”) Schedules 3 to 5. The proposed amendments would eliminate that limitation and allow physicians to authorize physician assistants to prescribe Schedule 2 controlled substances. Read More ›
Categories: Hospitals, Physicians, Regulatory
Governor Snyder Proposes Total Overhaul to Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
Governor Rick Snyder in a press conference this morning proposed a total overhaul of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan ("BCBSM"). Governor Snyder's proposal would:
- covert BCBSM to a non-profit mutual company;
- end its tax exemption; and
- remove Attorney General review of requested rates.
In essence, Michigan would treat BCBSM as it would any other health insurer as BCBSM would be regulated by the Insurance Code. While this proposal may seem drastic, it is not surprising given recent regulation orders by the Office of Financial and Insurance Regulation ("OFIR") curtailing BCBSM's use of most favored nation clauses ("MFN Clauses") and rejecting the low rates that it charges to hospitals and other providers. Read More ›
Categories: Hospitals, Insurance, Physicians, Regulatory
Upcoming Workshop to Address Most-Favored-Nation- Clauses - Just Announced
On August 17, 2012, the Department of Justice (“DOJ”) and the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) announced that they will hold a joint public workshop addressing insurers’ use of most-favored-nation clauses (“MFNs”). The all-day workshop will be held on September 10, 2012 in Washington DC and will be in-person, free and open to the public. At the workshop, the agencies intend “to explore the use of MFN clauses and the implications for antitrust enforcement and policy.” The workshop will also include a series of panel discussions examining the legal treatment of MFNs, the economic theories concerning MFNs, and their impact upon the health care industry. Read More ›
Categories: Hospitals, Insurance, Physicians
Supplemental Retirement Plan Considerations for Health Care Managers
For health care managers, there are a number of available options and strategies to consider when planning for retirement. In addition to traditional employer plans, an exempt health care provider may also offer supplemental plan options to its managers and highly compensated employees. Taking advantage of such benefits may prove to be a wise investment decision for health care managers. Read More ›
Categories: Employee Benefits, Employment, Hospitals, Physicians, Retirement
Most Favored Nation Order Released by Michigan Insurance Commissioner
In what appears to be a strong response to the most favored nation ("MFN")-related lawsuits filed against Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan by the U.S. Department of Justice and Aetna, the Commissioner of the Michigan Office of Financial and Insurance Regulation (“OFIR”) issued an Order dated July 18, 2012. The Order prohibits insurers, HMOs, and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan from either using or enforcing MFN clauses in their provider contracts unless the MFN clause has been filed with and approved by the OFIR Commissioner. This prohibition takes effect February 1, 2013.
Categories: Billing/Payment, Hospitals, Insurance
Newly Released Audit Protocol Serves as Guidance for Compliance Programs
The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act ("HITECH Act"), passed in 2009, imposed new requirements on health care providers (among others) related to the privacy and security of Protected Health Information ("PHI"). Included in the HITECH Act's requirements was a mandate that the Department of Health and Human Services’ ("HHS") Office for Civil Rights ("OCR") conduct audits to analyze the processes, controls and policies of certain covered entities. The pilot program for such audits began in 2011 and will conclude in December, 2012. Read More ›
Categories: Compliance, HIPAA, HITECH Act, Hospitals, Physicians, Regulatory
Precautions of Prescribing Controlled Substances for Pain
In response to growing concerns about prescription drug abuse, there has been a significant increase in investigative and enforcement activities by state licensing authorities as well as local, state and federal law enforcement. We have been contacted by physicians who want to care for patients with chronic or intractable pain but are concerned about the consequences to their licenses and practices that might result if investigators question their decision to prescribe controlled substances. Given the current environment, it is a good idea for physicians to refresh themselves on the legal requirements for effective pain management. Read More ›
Categories: Hospitals, Physicians, Regulatory
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Best Lawyers® 2021
Congratulations to the attorneys of the Health Care practice group at Foster Swift Collins & Smith, PC for their inclusion in the Best Lawyers in America 2021 edition. Firm-wide, 44 lawyers were listed. Best Lawyers lists are compiled based on an exhaustive peer-review evaluation and as lawyers are not required or allowed to pay a fee to be listed; inclusion in Best Lawyers is considered a singular honor. Health Care practice group members listed in Best Lawyers are as follows:
- Jennifer B. Van Regenmorter, Holland
To see the full list of Foster Swift attorneys listed in Best Lawyers 2021, click here.