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What Can My Business Contribute to a Campaign?

Entering the final stretch of an election year, it is important for business owners to know what is legal and what isn't when it comes to campaign contributions.

The following video features municipal & election law attorney Mallory Reader discussing the topic of “campaign financing” along with:

  • What business are allowed and not allowed to do when contributing to a political campaign.
    • Who can donate and how much?
  • Is an election committee needed?
    • When is it needed?
    • How do you set one up?
  • What penalties can your business face for violating any campaign laws?

Opening LetterClick the thumbnail image below to view video. This video is for general information purposes only and IS NOT LEGAL ADVICE. If you seek legal counsel or need help in determining how this information applies to a specific situation, contact a Foster Swift election & campaign finance law attorney before taking any action. 

Categories: Campaign Finance (MCFA), Candidates and Committees, Election & Campaign Finance Law

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