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An Election Day Guide to Essential Polling Etiquette

With a whirlwind to this year's election cycle already, the 2024 election is shaping up to be one of the most closely monitored in decades.

In the following video, municipal law attorney Courtney Gabbara Agrusa discusses proper polling etiquette along with best polling practices that electors, townships and municipalities can take prior to November 5 to ensure a smother election day process including:

  • How can an election law attorney assist a municipality or township to ensure compliance and transparency during the election cycle?
  • What are some common misconceptions about what is and isn't allowed at polling places?
  • What is the difference between a poll watcher and a poll worker, and how are watchers appointed?
  • In the months leading up to an election, we often see lawns dotted with political candidate signs. However, if a house is displaying signs that contains vulgar language, depending on the circumstances (e.g., the house with the signs faces a school or public park), can the municipality make that person remove their signs?

Voting Sign on StreetClick the thumbnail image below to view video. This video is for general information purposes only and IS NOT LEGAL ADVICE. If you seek legal counsel or need help in determining how this information applies to a specific situation, contact a Foster Swift election law attorney before taking any action. 

Categories: Candidates and Committees, Compliance, Election & Campaign Finance Law, First Amendment, Social Media

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