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The Who, What, When and How of Campaign Finance

Election season is heating up in Michigan and you might be wondering how you can get involved. Besides voting, the easiest way to help out a particular campaign or support an issue is to donate.

So, what limits apply to you? The following video covers how and to whom you can donate, both from an individual and business perspective and other areas of campaign finance law. Moderator Patricia Scott and election law attorney, Cody Mott, discuss the following aspects of campaign donations:

  1. Who can donate to a political campaign: can your business contribute?
  2. What and how much can be donated?
  3. When do you need a political action committee (PAC) or another type of committee?
    1. How do you set one up?
  4. What are the penalties for violating campaign laws?

Click the thumbnail below for full video discussion.

Campaign Finance VideoThis video is for general information purposes only and IS NOT LEGAL ADVICE. If you seek legal counsel or need help in determining how this information applies to a specific situation, contact a Foster Swift election law attorney before taking any action.

Categories: Alerts and Updates, Campaign Finance (MCFA), Candidates and Committees

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