presents the Governor's Florida Commendation
Medal to Miami partner Steve Maher.
Yesterday, Lieutenant Colonel Edward O’Sheehan, a Judge Advocate General Officer with the Florida Army National Guard and Fort Lauderdale partner, presented the Governor’s Florida Commendation Medal to Miami partner Stephen Maher for his pro bono service. The Florida Commendation Medal is one of the only military awards available to civilians.
Steve assisted the Florida Army National Guard’s 1565th Trial Defense Team with counsel on legal strategy and appellate procedures on behalf of soldiers facing court martial. According to the award’s citation, Steve’s work “helped to clarify and strengthen the protections provided to soldiers under the Florida Code of Military Justice and helped to ensure the integrity and respect of the overall Military Justice System.”
“It’s nice to be recognized for something you didn’t even know was being noticed,” said Steve. “I was glad to be able to help with the development and implementation of novel legal approaches in this area of the law.”
“Steve is a great appellate lawyer,” said Ed O’Sheehan, who presented the award as Senior Defense Counsel for the 1565th Trial Defense Team. “He was willing to help on his own time, including weekends, and provided great advice that helped our soldiers and has, overall, strengthened the military justice system in Florida.”
Steve, who has 40 years of practice in administrative law, litigation and appellate review, consulted with the defense team on appellate procedures regarding various writs and direct appeals possible under state law and appellate rules related to military justice actions and administrative hearings in Florida.