on behalf of Shutts & Bowen. Jim is pictured with
Orlando Sentinel Publisher & Editor-In-Chief
Avido Khahaifa and Orlando Sentinel Vice
President of Advertising John D’Orlando.
(Photo credit: Ricardo Ramirez Buxeda, Orlando Sentinel)
On Friday, August 19, Shutts & Bowen’s Orlando office was named among the Top 10 Best Places to Work in Central Florida in the Orlando Sentinel’s Top 100 Companies 2016. James Willard, Managing Partner of the Orlando Office, accepted the award on behalf of Shutts & Bowen.
Shutts was placed in the Large Company category with other prestigious organizations such as Florida Hospital, Orlando Health and the Orlando Magic. Shutts also placed highest among all law firms in this category.
“We are grateful to all our employees that took the time to respond to the survey, as we had a 75% response rate,” said firmwide Managing Partner Micky Grindstaff. “This award underscores the reasons we are able to attract and maintain great employees and makes us all proud to be part of the Shutts team.”
Orlando Sentinel’s Top 100 Companies survey and recognition program is dedicated to identifying and recognizing the best places to work in Florida. Employers are measured on several qualities such as workplace flexibility, company leadership, career opportunities, community service, compensation and benefits.
The process is managed by Best Companies Group, an independent research firm. The assessment included a confidential Employee Engagement & Satisfaction Survey, which was sent by email to all employees and used to evaluate the employees’ workplace experience and company culture, and an Employer Questionnaire, which was used to collect information about each company’s benefits, policies, practices and other general information.