Clients seeking to resolve disputes by arbitration should analyze the circumstances surrounding the agreement to arbitrate, including opposing party’s expertise and form to which consent to the agreement to arbitrate was given.Read More

The success of the modern internet can, in many ways, be traced to the passing of the watershed law of internet regulation that provides immunity from civil lawsuits for platforms or other internet intermediaries that publish the content of others. This law, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (or “Section 230”...Read More

This is the second of a multi-part series of blog posts which will introduce the concept of Business Continuity Planning and explain the elements that go into making a typical Business Continuity Plan.Read More

Last year, a new law was enacted requiring public and private employers to comply with Florida’s new E-Verify mandates, with Fla. Stat. § 448.095 of the Florida Statutes taking effect on January 1, 2021.  The law makes the use of the web-based E-Verify system, regulated by the Department of Homeland Security, mandatory for all...Read More

Last month, in Federal Republic of Germany v. Philipp, 141 S. Ct. 703 (2021), the United States Supreme Court revisited and narrowed the scope of the expropriation exception to sovereign immunity set forth in the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (“FSIA”).Read More

Seeking discovery in the United States in aid of a proceeding before a foreign or international tribunal is a useful and unique tool available under 28 U.S.C. § 1782. This statute provides that any “interested person” may make an application to a district court where the person from whom discovery is sought “resides or is...Read More

Common estate planning misconceptions, as well as a lack of focus on legacy planning, have resulted in a number of common myths which have led people to believe that an estate plan is unnecessary. With 2021 well-underway, it is important for individuals, families, entrepreneurs, and estate holders to reevaluate the untruths...Read More

Among COVID-19 Relief Package 2.0 were numerous provisions that directly and indirectly provided much needed relief for the construction industry. As President Biden’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief plan is pending final approval, the industry remains hopeful for further relief and provisions addressing the...Read More

Most organizations are woefully unprepared for an inevitable interruption to normal business activities. Often, the difference between a company of great value that survives for generations and those that are merely a passing concern is the ability to plan for, adapt to, and survive the unexpected.Read More

A failure to address IP considerations can have a devastating and lasting impact—including a permanent loss of IP rights and a risk of costly litigation—which ultimately hinders the ability to grow from a startup into a thriving, successful company.Read More

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