In its January 4, 2017 Regulatory and Examination Priorities Letter, FINRA identified cybersecurity as a top priority, stating it is “one of the most significant risks many firms face.” Firms, be prepared, FINRA is expected to execute more cybersecurity examinations than in years past.Read More

If you are a designer or contractor who’s been accused of negligent design or construction, you will want to analyze the owner’s claimed damages to see if they might be reduced by the amount of the first costs or betterment.Read More

In response to intense industry criticism, on December 28, 2016, the New York State Department of Financial Services relaxed its approach and announced its updated cybersecurity regulation. The updated cybersecurity regulation is under a 30-day notice and comment period, which expires later this month.Read More

Today, FINRA fined 12 firms $14.4 million for failing to maintain millions of electronic records in “write once, read many” (WORM) format. FINRA’s recent flurry of enforcement activity is a clear signal that regulators will amplify their focus on firms to ensure the safeguarding of confidential customer data and the...Read More

A Florida landlord recently learned that “self-help” is not allowed for evicting a tenant, even if the parties’ lease says it is.Read More

An appellate court determines the finality of an order, judgment or decree when the order constitutes an end to the judicial labor in the cause and nothing further remains to be done by the court. Although this standard seems straightforward, its application often proves to be tricky. In this post, Amy Wessel explains how to...Read More

On December 2, 2016, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency announced that it will be moving forward with considering applications from financial technology (fintechs) companies to become special purpose national banks. Jennifer Newton explains what this decision means for fintechs.Read More

If your business has been accused of violating a local law, check with your attorney as to whether you actually face liability, particularly if you established your business practices in accordance with a state law.Read More

The Supreme Court reversed Apple’s $399 million verdict against Samsung for infringing Apple’s design patents covering certain aspects of the iPhone. However, the Court’s decision arguably leaves critical questions unanswered.Read More

Is something lost when a Judge reads our argument only from an electronic screen? Steve Maher examines this question and offers suggestions about how to approach briefing in the ‘post-revolutionary” environment.Read More

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