Under even the most landlord-favorable standard, can a commercial landlord ever have an absolute right to reject a proposed assignment?Read More

Under even the most landlord-favorable standard, can a commercial landlord ever have an absolute right to reject a proposed assignment?Read More

Lillibridge has dispelled the myth that design professionals are only responsible for their design. The lesson from Lillibridge is that design professionals should be mindful of the ramifications of certain contractual relationships they undertake with design consultants.Read More

Stop! Have you ever wanted to say this before a trial judge rules?Read More

Second-tier certiorari represents the only avenue for further review of a circuit court appellate decision.Read More

In this post, which is the first in a series on original proceedings, Jennifer Sommerville and Suzanne Labrit provide a primer on the basics of common law certiorari jurisdiction and procedure with respect to non-final orders in civil cases.Read More

On August 29, 2017, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) announced that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) was “initiating a review and immediate stay of the effectiveness of the new aspects of the EEO-1” form.Read More

If you want to bring an indemnification claim against another party, be mindful of the Statute of Repose and the Echeverri case.Read More

The 10-year statute of repose provides a strong defense to certain construction professionals for latent defects that are not discovered until well after the completion of construction. Are you one of the select group of construction professionals who receives the protection of the statute of repose?Read More

We have previously discussed what a business should do when it’s hit with a lawsuit over alleged violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”), but can a retail tenant be sued only for ADA violations at its physical store?Read More

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