Welcome to TaxBlawg, a blog resource from Chamberlain Hrdlicka for news and analysis of current legal issues facing tax practitioners. Although blawg.com identifies nearly 1,400 active “blawgs,” including 20+ blawgs related to taxation and estate planning, the needs of tax professionals have received surprisingly little attention.
Tax practitioners have previously lacked a dedicated resource to call their own. For those intrepid souls, we offer TaxBlawg, a forum of tax talk for tax pros.
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Chamberlain Hrdlicka Blawgs
- Business Spectator: Stalled R&D legislation stunts innovation (Australia). As we discussed previously, temporary legislation makes for lousy tax policy, a problem that Australia seems to be experiencing right now.
- Forbes - Business in the Beltway: Taxes? Hold ‘Em!. It seems that the pending deal on individual taxes will include a one-year extension of the R&D tax credit here in the U.S.
- BusinessWeek: German FinMin Defends Need for Euro. Not technically about tax, but a breakup of the Euro could have significant, if temporary, implications for U.S. taxpayers. Then again, Europe ...
Now that the tax extenders legislation has died, what’s next? At least some of the provisions (e.g., the new tax regime for “carried interests”) are likely to find their way into future legislation. But what about the tax extenders themselves, such as the look-through rule of section 954(c)(6) and the section 41 research credit? Although many of the extensions involve tax expenditures (i.e., provisions that cost the Treasury money), they would almost certainly be offset by the bill’s revenue raisers, which were themselves styled as anti-abuse and loophole-closing provisions. As a result, we probably have not seen the last of these measures.