The Labor & Employment Blog provides employers with breaking news, insights, and legal analysis on the wide range of labor and employment issues facing employers and businesses. While the Blog provides a general summary of regulation updates, it is not intended to be, and should not be relied upon as, legal advice. The labor & employment attorneys at Chamberlain Hrdlicka stand ready to counsel employers on the issues they face.
Larry Carbo, Shareholder and Co-Chair
Diana Perez Gomez, Shareholder and Co-Chair
Julie Offerman, Shareholder
Kellen Scott, Shareholder
Leslie Tan, Senior Counsel
Elizabeth Feeney, Associate
AmyJo "AJ" Foreman, Associate
Lucas Meng, Associate
Hannah Strawser, Associate
Chamberlain Hrdlicka Blawgs
Late last year, the Federal Trade Commission issued a policy statement that superseded its prior policy statements and guidance concerning the FTC’s interpretation of the scope and meaning of unfair methods of competition as addressed in the Federal Trade Commission Act (“FTC Act”). The FTC indicated it would no longer follow the “rule of reason” inquiry and, instead, focus on trying to stop unfair methods of competition “in their incipiency based on their tendency to harm competitive conditions.” The FTC stated an unfair method of competition need not cause ...